Tuesday 22 November 2011

NorthFace Backpacks

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Catching Crappie at night can offer several advantages to fisherman. During the summer, you will not have to worry about the hot sun beaming down on you risking sunburn, it is cooler, the Crappie are actually more shallow, and All the day fisherman are nestled safely in their beds at home. If you are properly prepared, when morning comes, you may have a live well full of Crappie.
The only negative issues arising from fishing at night is the fact that it is, indeed, dark, and you may need to use a light of some sort. The light you use may cause a swarm of bugs, especially in the summer. However, these obstacles are small compared to the advantages. the northf face
Getting Ready For A Night Trip
You should start getting your boat ready for the night trip while the sun is still up. This will ensure that you have everything you need before venturing out. Follow these few simple steps to ensure you night trip will be a success.
1) Move all gear and tackle that will not be used either off the boat or completely out of the way. You would be surprised by how little you will be able to see at times, and you do not want to be tripping over anything. 
2) Start charging any batteries you will be using early. north face stroe This way, you will be sure you have a full charge by the time you leave. Make sure to pay close attention to your boats battery, as a low battery at night will cause many more problems then during the day. 
3) Make a checklist of all the items you will need, and check off each item as you place it on your boat. Your checklist should include items such as plenty of flashlights with extra charged batteries, bug spray (your light will attract bugs), any drinks or snacks you need, safety items (A whistle, life jackets, flares, etc), and type of tackle that you will need. 
4) Hook you boat up and have it ready to go. Attaching your boat to your truck at night may be an adventure you do not want to go through. 
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Optional Equipment
A few types of equipment, though not necessary, may improve your night trip experience.
Bugs will be an issue at night, especially during the summer. Instead of using a typical lantern or light, you may want to consider investing in a black light or red light. These light put out a substantial amount of light, without attracting nearly as many bugs. Lanterns that burn are not recommended for fishing on boats, as it presents many unseen dangers. If you prefer a lantern, a battery powered lantern may be a better idea. 
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There are really only two emotions in the universe, fear and love. You're either loving or you're fearing, regardless of what you do. Fear leads to a very unsatisfactory experience in life, and love leads to joy, happiness and fulfillment. And, the doorway to this love is gratitude.
Isn't it interesting that the simplest formula for happiness in life, "Look at the bright side," is so very difficult to do? Actually, that's why I can make a profitable living as a marriage counselor. People get so wrapped up in their fear that they can't get along with a partner. 
North Face Wholesale They are afraid about what they are not getting, or what they won't get, or they even fear feeling the bad feelings of what they did get but didn't want. They react, strike out, and cower, and then, finally, come to see me. We then put their fear away and bring the love back out.
After we've worked a little relationship magic they leave with gratitude. They love their partner and they can't believe how blessed they are. They give thanks for what they formerly missed seeing, and experience the fullness of their love.North Face Denali Jackets Cheap
Occasionally it takes years to help a couple do this. Why? Because they won't give up their fear. And, as long as they are scared they have extreme difficulty counting their blessings and feeling their love.
There are so many reasons for our fear. We may have been born with a physiological nervous constitution. We may have experienced childhood abuse that programmed our expectation for further pain. Cheap Nortface JacketsHappiness may have been interrupted by a very difficult loss along the way. Or, we may have married an abusive partner. Regardless, we have deep associations of fear towards many things, including our partner. The fear is very often deeply programmed and not easily accessed for change.
So, how do we solve the fear problem? I first heard it from Stephen Covey, the writer about the habits of successful people: "Swallow a frog every morning. After that, everything else looks easy!"
The frog is a symbol for whatever we fear the most that day. discounted north face jackets Do it first! After that, the rest seems easy and we usually feel better about ourselves and everyone around us. In fact, after facing our greatest fear we usually feel gratitude for the wonder of this life all around us, and that leads to the experience of Love.
So, why does it sometimes take me years with some couples? Because I have to push, pry, manipulate, trick, convince and use a host of other methods to get people to swallow all those frogs! And some folks have a lot of them to swallow.
The lesson for you is to choose to swallow your own frogs before life forces you to do so. Face your fears! Do it on your own terms. Every day choose a fear, large or small, to face into and conquer. What is it you don't want to do? What is it you need to do but won't? Do it first. Don't wait. It's all down hill after that.
The more fears you face and conquer, the better job of loving you will do. And, that is what your relationship always needs.

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