Wednesday 21 December 2011

Endless night of 22 December

 Endless night of 22 December

The night of Thursday, December 22, the first "official" night of the winter will be the biggest of the year, and will run for 14 hours and 29 minutes ...

On that day the sun will rise at the annual orbit called "Winter Solstice", so starts officially the season of winter.The Winter Solstice is not "falling" always the same date from a calendar standpoint, but varies between 20 and of December 23. The last time the winter solstice fell on December 23, was 190, while the next will be 2303, according to the director of the Eugenides Planetarium Dionysis Simopoulos. The winter solstice occurs even more rarely on the 20th December, the next time is 2080. The calendar variations are due to the Gregorian Calendar, which each year has 365 days, except in leap years have 366 days. The Earth completes one full orbit around the Sun in about 365.25 days. Every day the Earth is in a different position than he was the day before, so the length of days and nights to fluctuate throughout the year. On 22-23 September, when the sun reaches the autumnal equator point, there is equal day and night but then gradually increase the "territory" of the night against the day. On 21-22 December, the sun reaches its southernmost point of its orbit, called the winter solstice. From this day begins the winter, and then the sun begins to climb again every day more and more high in the sky, so the day to win back the lost "territory" until the spring equinox of spring light and darkness are of equal duration. During the winter, the sun's rays fall on the northern hemisphere by a circuitous route, so there winter, while the opposite occurs in the southern hemisphere, where there is summer. During the spring the sun is directly above the equator of the Earth, when both hemispheres receive the same manner of life-giving rays of the sun. During the summer the Sun favors the northern hemisphere, as the rays fall on us more vertically, so while we have summer in the southern hemisphere have winter. The sun was worshiped by the ancients as a god, was regarded as the creator of the seasons and cyclical transitions associated with them, from sowing to germination and flowering to harvest, says Mr. Simopoulos. So, folks from all walks established in honor of the Sun, various festivals, especially on the verge of switching from one era to another. Almost everywhere, the biggest celebrations were in the age of the winter solstice, which was viewed as a celebration of the birth of the Sun.central to the Romans had a festival of "invincible sun" on December 25, when celebrated the fact that The sun began to rise again to heaven, thus raising the day. As the director of the Planetarium, the first Christians, who were outlawed in Rome, fled secretly in the catacombs, where they decided to celebrate Christmas the same date, on December 25 when the Romans were busy with their own celebrations of Saturnalia. The winter solstice is not the case today, on 25 December as the time of Christ, but on December 22, since replaced the older Julian Calendar, which was introduced by Julius Caesar in 44 BC and which had established the winter solstice on December 25, but lost one day every 128 years. In 1582, Pope Gregory XIII introduced a new calendar, named after the (Gregorian), which loses only one day in 4,000 years. Under the new calendar, the Winter Solstice occurs on December 22 today.

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