Saturday 31 December 2011

Why do you smoke?

 Why do you smoke?
Surely you have asked many times "why do not you cut? '. But a question, certainly not you have done is why you smoke. Really, you know why?
While much of the planet more and more smokers to go ... opposite camp in Greece, it seems that most categorically refuse to give up the unhealthy habit. In the context of the overall "persecution" experienced by smokers around the world, a survey reveals that many people to quit completely smoking invent new ways and change "class" in order not to have to "wean" totally smoking. Research conducted by the Board of cessation of the Medical Center of Columbia University, revealed the reasons many smokers refuse to quit or resort to other methods to continue to smoke as allies having many different "excuse." Let's see, what category are the "new cutting" smokers. ... Smoking in secret? The general trend of smoking and the pressure they may accept a smoker in the family and friendly environment can lead him into a habit that might have the school years. We refer of course to smoking ... in secret, like many students tend to smoke in secret from their parents and their teachers! Scientists indicate that in this case, smoking is even more attractive for smokers and is considered a "forbidden" and is a habit hard to quit as their pockets, there will be mint chewing gum ... smoking antidepressant? Most smokers say they smoke to find an outlet from the stress of everyday life. However, none of them believes that the smoke can find solutions to all problems. Thus, smoking becomes an anxiolytic process, as reported by many, but certainly offers no solutions so we need ... Smoking fear ... cut smoking! It sounds absurd, but they say many scientists, many refuse to quit smoking fear! Of course, it is reasonable to wonder, what scared every smoker. Yet, psychologists say, that the process of smoking triggers a highly complex process of addiction that is difficult to escape. And so, many smokers are those who wonder: after smoking it?smoking for reasons of jealousy or anger! You have doubts about the sincerity of your favorite and do you think that your wife, do not you be true? you unbearably annoying your manager What is the solution? Of course, smoking. Scientists indicate that many resort to smoking for sentimental reasons. The jealousy, the anger or intense frustration looking for a way out for a pack of cigarettes in order to defuse ...

Smoking for reasons ... diet! is a predominantly 'female' excuse for smoking because many smokers are those who believe that smoking helps them keep their weight low. Thus, for some smoking acts as "scale" and believe that forcing them to eat less and so less fattening. However, although smoking "cuts" the appetite, as many state and thus improves our appearance, is responsible for more suffering greatly affect not only our image (eg, dull skin, thinning hair, aged appearance, etc. .) but also our health in general. so for Tobacco company ... Other an irrational but very popular reason that drives many into the trap of smoking. Many are those who continue to smoke just because so do friends or colleagues! The new smoking measures already implemented in many Greek companies, leading many colleagues in the smoking room of the company and so the "wells" created much more easily. Something similar happens with the groups of smokers who go outside or from shops to smoke or smoke together undisturbed during the coffee or dinner to enjoy not only tobacco but also the company of friends who also smoke ...

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