Saturday 7 January 2012

Lifting a diet three days ...

 Lifting a diet three days ...

A strong but short diet promoted enthusiastically by the 

, Admittedly beautiful, actress Eva Mendes and by a different kouklara colleague Uma Thurman. Creator of the famed Dr. Nicholas Perikone - the presumed as the "dean" of dermatology in the U.S., special advisor to the anti-aging rich & famous and .... ..

author of several books of beauty that have often become best-sellers. This diet promises to reclaim the skin, giving it shine and make it firmer and younger in just 3 days - and the aforementioned ladies swear it works. Dr. Perikone believes that the consumption of sugar, salt, alcohol and coffee causes inflammation of the skin, Growing old in early. By contrast, he says, if we cut all that and start to eat large amounts of omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants that fight inflammation, we will protect the skin cells will help to rehydrate the skin and we will have much better appearance . The three-day program consists mainly of salmon (Dr. Perikone would prefer to be Alaska salmon, but is compatible with any wild or organic salmon can even be found), green vegetables, berries, melon and nuts - food that is rich in beneficial nutrients. It also recommends plenty of mineral water, which - he says - not good on the skin only directly but also indirectly, by improving digestion and helping the body to function better. Especially the salmon is one of the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids, that provide multiple health benefits. Since, however, as it 's costs a lot, in place you can try canned tuna in water. What contains no program is salt, sugar, caffeine, wheat and wine, which means that those who are unable to start the day without their morning coffee, can and zoristoun to follow. ... In short all three days starting with a 1-1.5 glass of mineral water, which should drink only open our eyes, and a whole should eat five times a day - up three meals and two snacks. Breakfast consists of eggs (unless you want to eat salmon early in the morning!), a small bowl of porridge oats, berries and melon. Because it is rich enough (and probably unusual for you, if you belong to almost 60% of people starting their day without eating), you can eat bear and the rest to save for later in the day. Lunch and dinner is quite filling, but in any case resist the temptation to skip snacks: melon contains a lot of water and hydrate the body well, and nuts are a valuable source of fatty acids - so you need both. If the first day you feel like ... pop the very food, the second will show that eating adequate amounts and the third is likely to feel hungry. This is due to the lack of complex carbohydrates like bread, pasta, rice and potatoes. The day is likely to feel even more strongly the lack of coffee or alcohol even if you normally drink a cup every day. If you have grand plans for New Year's Eve, it is advisable to try the program in the days just prior to this, so not "xanathamposei 'skin when you start eating normally, are those who tried it. You can also follow a couple of days more, if he can tolerate. The result is more likely that after the three day diet you will lose a couple, maybe three pounds, your pimples are likely to have disappeared and tone your skin will improve. Also will probably have dropped the "bags" under your eyes and general puffiness of the face, because the lack of salt means that you will no longer retain water. Moreover, the color of your face is less red (caffeine dilates blood vessels and makes the skin look flushed, so the lack of it back to normal). It may not look like ten years younger after three days, but will probably look better, says dermatologist Dr Sam Bunting, from London. He warns, however, that a radical difference in age of the person you would hardly see because any changes in this area, usually take up to six weeks to become apparent. It goes without saying that we should not follow the plan, if you have health problems that contraindicated eating someone or some of the foods containing (eg eggs). The safest is to consult your doctor. The program in detail just wake: 230-340 ml of mineral water Breakfast: 3 egg whites and 1 whole egg (and / or 115-170 gr.psitos salmon) ½ cup cooked oatmeal (not instant ) 115 gr. melon and ¼ cup fresh berries 230-340 ml mineral water (more if desired) Lunch: 115-170 gr. baked salmon or tuna in water 2 cups lettuce 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil and lemon stimmeno for added taste 115 gr. melon and ¼ cup fresh berries 230-340 ml mineral water (more if desired)Afternoon: 60 gr. Boiled chicken breast slices, reduced salt 4 raw, unsalted hazelnuts 1 green apple 230-340 ml mineral water (more if desired) Dinner: 115-170 gr. baked salmon 2 cups lettuce 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil and squeezed lemon for extra flavor 1 cup asparagus, broccoli or spinach steamed with a little olive oil 115 gr. melon and ¼ cup fresh berries 230-340 ml mineral water (more if desired) Pre sleep: 60 gr. chicken breast or turkey, reduced-salt and low fat ½ pear or green apple 3-4 almonds or olives 230-340 ml mineral water (more if desired) NEW

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