Sunday, 25 March 2012
Universe and ghosts ...
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Universe and ghosts ...
How long exactly are 13.7 billion light years? Do notbother to do ...
estimate, the human mind is not made
to measure such elusive times. However, such is the age
of our universe. As we all know, the universe is constantly expanding. What you probably do not know is to ... what, again for the elusive mind, rapidly expanding.They say we are experts that every five seconds it expands as much as it is about the space occupied by the Milky Way. This means that by the time I started writing this article so that here the time, say within five minutes, the Universe filled a room till sixty galaxies.Scary, right? That is an hour will cover an area till 720 galaxies. And one day one room till 17,280 galaxies. And in a week till a space 120. 960 galaxies. And in a month a room till 518,400 galaxies. And at one time a place till 6,220,800 galaxies. Assuming that someonewas born fifty years ago, ie in 1962, since then the universe expanded at a place till 31 million 194 000galaxies. And a century before the universe then covered an area smaller than the current 62 million in 208 000 galaxies. And until you write the previous sentence, the Universe grew by a few more galaxies. And until you upload this online article, the universe would have expanded to an area about as a hundred thousandgalaxies. That time in Athens who taught Plato, could see around him the same things we see, but lived in a universe that occupied a smaller space than the current at about 1,430,784,000 galaxies. And it can for the gigantic dimensions of our universe that space is not too great, but for human action is immense. Every moment that passes that we are in a universe more vast than the previous time. "The Everything flows, "said the sage Heraclitus, but when he said, had no such account yperkosmia, unimaginable flow of everything.Now I think that there five seconds ago, it was nothing, now there is something especially something huge for human action. And that something is now part of the Universe in which we and us and literally sail into the unknown streets opening to zero. But our little one here on Earth we do not get news that we live in a world that spreads rapidly and gives existence to this zero. Do not even know what that is zero outside the limits of our universe and who is obliged to be, as the universe devours and transforms it into spacetime. We down here we have our watches told us that it is now seven in the morning Time to get out of bed and start the day, now seven in the evening and we expect some friends to drink coffee, it is now midnight, time to go to bed now again seven in the morning hours to get up again and start our new day. While we do our own down here, somewhere far away, somewhere unthinkable and unspeakable far away, tempestuous continued advance of the Universe who growls and swells and gives existence to exist. crazy things. But there is something even more crazy. That the vast and infinite universe, filled with billions of galaxies are filled each one billion suns and planets and comets and nebulae and do not know anything, then the universe is going to have very low density (1,4 x10-29 gr/cm3) that corresponds to an average of one person per cubic meter. Natural 'm not a scientist, but at school I learned that every person the empty space is much, much bigger than the space occupied by the nucleus, electrons and other particles. This means that if the matter consists of atoms, is too low and that the empty space is much larger than the space it occupied. But we, when we keep a stone in our hand, we feel that we keep a solid, solid body. It is impossible to understand with our senses that the stone is more space and less, minimal material. That is, the vast immeasurable universe with matter of galaxies is in fact more space than matter. And if it was possible to collapse, would become so small that would fit (so ourscientists say) in a tea spoon. And so it was probably, when he became the big bang. Scary and it does not agree? In other words, everything, everything, incredible amounts of matter constituting the universe, the galaxies with huge huge countless suns the planets and their satellites and of comets and asteroids, the can be a tiny little lump like those played by children. And after the bolus exploded and became a transparent tulle, like a cobweb, like cotton candy, an ethereal rag, tsoup! grown and we observe the ecstatic rag. And what status we have in this ethereal and gossamer rag? We we ethereal creatures, more space and minimal material? We transparent beings from some other permeable material more compact? can say this moresolid material to penetrate us with the same ease as we pass through the fog? Even if this matter has intelligence, how we address that? will not resemble those ethereal ghosts scare us both in fairy tales?Perhaps we are the ghosts? And maybe what we call ghosts are creatures from more dense material, and at some point in space-time anomalies intertwine our worlds and we see each other? In such a case we are airy ghosts and they terrified seeing our . Think about it ...

This post was written by: Franklin Manuel
Franklin Manuel is a professional blogger, web designer and front end web developer. Follow him on Twitter
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